User Guide

User Guide


Welcome to Diliveri. The ultimate smart assistant for deliverymen. Not just the men, but the women and children too!

Before getting started:

We know that you can’t wait to dive into our application, but there are a few restrictions on our program that we’d like you to read through and understand first!

  1. Diliveri is heavily reliant on third party courier service applications (such as Grab and FoodPanda) to provide deliverymen with accurate location data and delivery assignments to available deliverymen. As such, for the purpose of implementing v2.1, running Diliveri for the first time will automatically generate files containing sample data that would be ordinarily generated and communicated to the Deliveryman via other delivery applications
  2. These pregenerated files would ordinarily be hidden and not accessible to normal users (i.e you!). Therefore, altering the contents of any of these pregenerated files manually (i.e. not from the user interface) will likely result in the application not performing as intended, or even crashing.
  3. TLDR: Please do NOT edit the various .txt files or the program may crash
  4. As a result of Diliveri’s reliance on such third parties, you’ll need to run the ‘start’ command to load the list of deliveries into Diliveri before you can make the most use of Diliveri’s functionalities!


Diliveri will, upon initialization, generate a few .txt files. These are their respective purposes:

  1. Delivery.txt : This file contains sample delivery data and information, including delivery completion status, address, delivery recipient, and the various items present in the delivery. The format of the items are as follows: {[item number]-[item weight]}
  2. profile.txt : This file contains the default deliveryman profile, including name, vehicle model, license plate as well as the maximum tolerable weight. These can be altered from within Diliveri.

  3. routes.txt : This file contains the various routes, with each location being tagged to a distance, as well as the corresponding delivery fee awarded upon completing a delivery at that location.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Down the latest version of Diliveri from here.
  3. That’s all! Diliveri is fully self-sufficient!


Help: help

Returns a help message containing a list of accepted commands accepted by Diliveri

Format: help

Expected output:

The following are several accepted commands by Diliveri:

'help': Displays this help message
'profile': Displays your profile
'edit': Allows you to edit your profile details
'start': Loads up an allocated delivery assignment into the delivery list
'list': Displays the list of deliveries in your assignment
'view <number>': Displays details of the selected delivery
'complete <number>': Marks the selected delivery as completed
'record': Displays the list of completed deliveries and the respective income earned
'route': Displays optimised delivery path
'bye': Ends Deliviri App 

Profile: profile

Returns the current profile details of the user.

Format: profile

Expected output:

Name: Obi Wan
Vehicle Model: YT-1300
License Plate: HIGHGROUND
Max Weight: 40

Edit Profile: editprofile

Edits the current profile details of the user.


  • The NAME can be in a natural language format.
  • The VEHICLE_MODEL can be in a natural language format.
  • The LICENSE_PLATE cannot contain punctuation.
  • The WEIGHT must be a numeric value.

Example of usage:

edit n/Obi-Wan v/BMW X-Wing l/SJU7606F w/20

edit n/General Kenobi v/Jedi Interceptor l/SKJ9856H w/60

Expected output:

Based on your input:
 Name: Obi-Wan
 Vehicle Model: BMW X-Wing
 License plate: SJU7606F
 Max Weight: 20

Load Delivery Assignment: start

Loads a delivery assignment into the deliverylist.

Format: start

Expected output:

File loaded boi...lets gooooooo!

Display list of Deliveries: list

Shows consolidated list of deliveries present in assignment

Format: list

Expected output:

No. || Delivery ID || Status || Address || Recipient
1. 1001 [N] NTU Hall 5 Jethro
2. 1002 [N] NTU Hall 3 Manika
3. 1003 [N] NTU Hall Oween Calvin

Displays a recommended travel route, determined by distance

Format: route

Expected output:

NTU Hall 3
NTU Hall 5
NTU Hall Oween

View Delivery Details: view

Returns a detailed view of a specified delivery - containing details about the items present in the delivery

Format: view <delivery number>

Example of usage:

view 2

Expected output:

1002 [N] NTU Hall 3 Manika
Item Number: 13
Item Weight: 5
Item Number: 16
Item Weight: 2

Mark Delivery as Completed: complete

Marks a selected delivery as completed. This will remove the delivery from future route calculations and adds the delivery to the ‘record’

Format: complete <delivery number>

Example of usage:

complete 2

Expected output:

The following delivery has been marked as completed:
1002 [Y] NTU Hall 3 Manika

Display Record of Completed Deliveries: record

Displays the list of completed deliveries, together with the amount earned thus far.

Format: record

Expected output:

Congratulations on completing the following deliveries:
 Number | ID | Location | Earned Amount 
1 | 1002 | NTU Hall 3 | 3.0
Total Earnings: 3.0

End application: bye

Terminates user session

Format: bye

Expected output:

Safe travels! Goodbye!


Q: How do I get started?

A: Type start to load deliveries

Q: I can’t seem to load any deliveries

A: Your max weight in profile might be too low. Setting a higher number and restarting the app will fix this issue.

Command Summary

  • Show help menu help
  • Show profile profile
  • Edit profile editprofile n/NAME v/VEHICLE_MODEL l/LICENSE_PLATE w/WEIGHT
  • Load deliveries start
  • Display list of deliveries list
  • Display optimal route route
  • View delivery details view <delivery number>
  • Mark delivery as complete complete <delivery number>
  • Display completed deliveries record
  • End Deliviri session bye